Vitamin D3 and K2 Benefits for Your Health

Sep 05, 2024Vitamin DVitamin K

Vitamin D3 and K2 Benefits for Your Health

Vitamins. We know them; we love them, and we (Team Nature Made®) have many of them on our website. Ideally, we would get all the essential vitamins and minerals we need through our diet alone, but that's not always the case. Lack of availability, irregular schedules that throw off regular mealtimes, and other little bumps in the road can get in the way of our vitamin-and mineral-intake. But have no fear! We (Team Nature Made® (again)) are here to help! With a wide selection of essential vitamin and mineral supplements, finding the right ones to add to your routine to help close possible nutrient gaps can be worry-free. We can even help by formulating vitamins and minerals that work well together... together! Pretty clever, right?

One of these clever pairings is Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2. While both are available in their separate supplement forms, like our Vitamin D3 Gummies and Vitamin K2 Softgels, we've also taken the initiative to provide Vitamin D3 + K2 Gummies and Softgels, delivering a dose of both of these essential vitamins to work together to support strong and healthy bones. But what are they separately, and how do they work together? What exactly are Vitamin D3 and K2 benefits for your health? To answer these riddles, one must only read on!

What is Vitamin D3?

So, what's the big deal with Vitamin D3? Is it related to Vitamin D? Come to think of it, what is Vitamin D? Vitamin D (A.K.A. Calciferol) is a vitamin we mostly get via sun exposure. When ultraviolet light hits our skin, it triggers the chemical synthesis of Vitamin D.[1] However, that's not the only source of Vitamin D! It's also present in certain foods, such as trout and salmon, along with fortified milk and cereal.[1] However, it's estimated that 95% of Americans don't receive enough Vitamin D from their diet alone, and nearly one-third have a Vitamin D deficiency.[2,3]

Vitamin D3 is a common form of Vitamin D, only differing from other common forms in its side-chain structures.[1] Vitamin D3 is the body's preferred form of Vitamin D, providing cellular support for a healthy immune system and supporting muscle, bone, and teeth health. Vitamin D3 works well with a lot of vitamins and minerals! Vitamin D3 helps improve Calcium absorption. It's also a good match with Magnesium, as Vitamin D aids Magnesium absorption, and Magnesium helps Vitamin D work better.*

What is Vitamin K2?

So now that we know what Vitamin D is, what is Vitamin K and Vitamin K2? Vitamin K2 is a form of Vitamin K, a family of compounds with a common chemical structure.[4] In our diet, Vitamin K2 mostly comes from foods like liver, certain cheeses, and some fermented foods. So why would you be interested in taking Vitamin K2? There are a few reasons! Vitamin K2 supports healthy vascular and artery function, along with working with the Calcium in your body to support healthy bones.

Can You Take Vitamin D3 and K2 Together?

Can you take Vitamin D3 and K2 together? Yes! Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 can be safely taken together in their recommended doses, with water and a meal. In fact, Vitamins D3 and K2 work in tandem to provide benefits. That's why Nature Made® offers Vitamin D3 + K2 Gummies, which provide a dose of these two vitamins that work well together in two easy gummies. Nature Made also offers D3 and K2 in as a once daily softgel.

Vitamin D3 and K2 Benefits

Support for Bone Health

Why take a Vitamin D3 and K2 supplement? One primary benefit is that Vitamins K2 and D3 work together to support strong, healthy bones. Vitamin K2 supports the function of D3, working together to activate proteins that support bone health.

Support for Vascular Health

Another of the Vitamin D3 and K2 benefits is in your vascular function. Vitamin D3 helps make proteins that Vitamin K2 activates to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels. You can see why we package them together, right?

Daily Supplementation Tips

If you’re looking for when to take Vitamin D or Vitamin K, look no further! Taking your Vitamin K2 and D3 supplements along with a regular meal is one of the best ways to help ensure you get the most of your supplement routine. Vitamin D3 and K2 are fat-soluble vitamins, meaning you should take them with water and a meal containing some fat or oil to absorb these supplements effectively. Taking all your supplements alongside water and a regular meal helps ensure that your fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins are taken following the usage directions from the label.

Attaching your supplement routine to breakfast, lunch, or dinner also helps you remember to take them every day. While adding a new habit to your day can be difficult to remember at first, attaching your supplements to a pre-existing routine makes your new habit much easier to keep track of. If you are taking a multivitamin, like our Advanced Multivitamin, that includes Vitamin D, talk to a doctor to see if they would like to check your Vitamin D levels before adding an additional Vitamin D supplement to your routine. Always consult your primary care provider or another health professional when starting or changing your supplement routine.

Support Your Well-being with Vitamins D3 and K2

When looking for Vitamin D supplements or Vitamin K supplements, you can rest easy knowing that Nature Made® supplements are made from carefully selected ingredients under strict manufacturing processes. Remember that Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3 work together to support strong bones. Here at Team Nature Made®, we recommend combining supplements with a nutritious diet as part of a comprehensive approach to health and wellness. Nature Made® is the #1 Pharmacist Recommended Vitamin & Supplement Brand.**


* Magnesium supports Vitamin D action in the body.

**Based on a survey of pharmacists who recommend branded vitamins and supplements.

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  1. National Institutes of Health. Vitamin D. National Institutes of Health. Published September 18, 2023.
  2. Liu X, Baylin A, Levy PD. Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency among U.S. adults: prevalence, predictors and clinical implications. Br J Nutr. 2018;119(8):928-936.
  3. Reider CA, Chung RY, Devarshi PP, Grant RW, Hazels Mitmesser S. Inadequacy of Immune Health Nutrients: Intakes in U.S. Adults, the 2005-2016 NHANES. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1735. Published 2020 Jun 10. doi:10.3390/nu120617354.
  4. National Institutes of Health. Office of Dietary Supplements - Vitamin K. Published March 29, 2021.


Graham Morris

NatureMade Copywriter

Graham has a degree in film with a focus on screenwriting from the University of California, Santa Cruz. He enjoys learning new things and finding the best, most engaging way to communicate them to a wide audience. Graham appreciates simplicity in life and nutrition, and wants to find the easiest, no-stress ways to stay healthy.

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Kalyn Williams, RDN

Science and Health Educator

Kalyn is a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist and a Science & Health Educator with the Medical and Scientific Communications team at Pharmavite. Her experience in the field of nutrition prior to joining Pharmavite has included community and public health education, media dietetics, and clinical practice in the areas of disordered eating, diabetes, women’s health, and general wellness. Kalyn received her Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Arizona State University in Phoenix, Arizona, and completed her dietetic supervised practice in Maricopa County, AZ, with an emphasis on public health. Kalyn is certified in Integrative and Functional Nutrition through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, where she is an active member in addition to memberships in Dietitians in Functional Medicine, Women’s Health Dietitians, and the International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians.

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