8 New Self-Care Trends to Watch Out For

Jan 31, 2023Lifestyle Tips

8 New Self-Care Trends to Watch Out For

Quick Scoop

  • Consumers have made self-care more of a priority in the past few years.
  • Self-care practices are increasing and becoming more accessible and affordable to all.
  • Practicing daily self-care in the form of habits, products, and services is directly tied to the state of your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Interest in self-care practices continues to grow as many realize the strong connection between physical, mental, and emotional health. With this, many are looking for self-care tips and more personalized self-care tailored to them in the form of supplements, products, and services.

According to the latest Grand View Research market report, the global wellness market is projected to increase by 25% by 2025, becoming a 7 trillion dollar industry. [1]

But what is self-care, and why is self-care important? Self-care is a form of taking care of yourself, a way to unwind and treat yourself kindly, and a practice to improve your daily life. You can take care of yourself in many ways, shapes, or forms.

If you’re looking for more selfcare ideas or set a New Year’s resolution to practice self-care more often, you may be seeking the latest and greatest new self-care trends to try. From personalized products to mental well-being, here are some of the new ways we’ll be taking care of ourselves in the coming year.

1.  The rise of personalized care

As the age of precision nutrition and personalized medicine develops, so are opportunities to personalize your self-care options.

For example, many are looking for personalized supplements tailored to their own needs and preferences, such as vitamins formulated specifically for women.

Generalized products will still remain popular, but the demand for more personalization will continue to grow.

This all makes perfect sense - if you’re investing in a supplement or other self-care product, you don’t want a one-size-fits-all - you want it to be personalized to fit your specific needs.

To match that level of personalization, we create personalized vitamin recommendations for your needs. After a quick and easy 5-minute quiz, you’ll learn all the essentials to include in your very own Nurish by Nature Made® personalized vitamin pack.

2.  A focus on mental well-being

Especially since the pandemic, we have realized how critical our mental health is to our overall health. Self-care practices that enhance our mental health will continue to flourish, and we expect more new practices will continue to develop.

Some great ways to support mental health are journaling, meditating, walking in nature, or a daily reading practice. Doing these things regularly, in any way that works for you, can enhance your well-being and overall happiness.

3.  AR fitness classes

AR, or augmented (virtual) reality fitness classes are another new self-care trend becoming more mainstream. While they were once mainly used by the younger crowd, people of all ages are taking advantage of these convenient class options they can do anywhere.

According to research, in 2023 around 97 million people in the US are expected to use AR at least once a month.[2] It can provide motivation and add an element of fun for home exercisers.

For example, one AR fitness class puts you in a pretend “zombie apocalypse” where you have to run faster to outrun the zombies. If you work out at home and you’re losing motivation, you may want to give AR classes a try.

4.  Smart exercise equipment

As of June 2022, sixty percent of US consumers continued to exercise at home the majority of the time. With this, the use of smart at-home exercise equipment like treadmills or stationary bikes is increasing in popularity. [3]

Smart fitness equipment allows you to connect with users around the world, making your workout more interactive, motivating, and effective.

With many people continuing to prefer working out at home but still wanting that personal connection, it seems smart equipment will continue to remain in high demand.

5.  Interest in the “wellness metaverse”

The wellness metaverse is a virtual landscape where you can access information, services, and resources to improve your mental and physical health.

It’s a relatively new concept, and incorporates not only virtual and augmented reality, but other personalized experiences through avatars and other tech-savvy programs.

If you feel a bit uneasy about how this whole metaverse thing works, don’t worry, there will be more to come. Be on the lookout for a more revolutionary way we view health and well-being in the near future.

6.  Men’s health

The wellness and personal care industry has traditionally been more targeted at women. Still, the demand is increasing for men’s products at an accelerated rate. This coincides with increased male interest in health.6

For reference, the global men’s personal care market size was valued at $30.8 billion in 2021 and is expected to compound at a 9.1% increase each year from now until 2030. [4]

This is why at Nature Made® we offer men’s multivitamins and a men’s multi for 50 plus, to support the need for men’s wellness.

Learn more: Best Vitamin Packs for Men

7.  Health and fitness apps

Consumers continue to turn to health and fitness apps for guidance, motivation, and inspiration. According to Statista in 2022, consumers spent the most money on fitness, yoga, and health-tracking apps than any other online health services. [5]

Some of the leading health and fitness apps downloaded also included weight loss and home workout apps specifically. With many people continuing to work remotely and seek convenience, it seems the use of health and fitness apps will continue to grow.


8.  Kelp in the spotlight

More kelp-inspired products are predicted to hit grocery stores in 2023, as interest in nutritious and sustainable food continues to surmount.

And if you’ve never thought of eating as a form of self-care, think again. Nourishing yourself with delicious and nutritious food like kelp benefits your health and well-being.

Sea vegetables like kelp are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and plant chemicals called phytochemicals that help benefit our bodies. Look for them and give them a try as a packaged snack or in your next salmon bowl.

The Bottom Line

Practicing daily self-care improves all aspects of your health - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Keeping a lookout for self-care trends can help optimize your routine and ensure you are giving your body and mind the love and kindness they need to flourish.

With a combination of these self-care tips for the new year and a solid vitamin routine, you can make self-care a part of your New year’s resolutions and continue to keep your health at the forefront of everything you do.

Learn More About Healthy Self-Care Habits:

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  1. Vitamin Supplements Market Analysis Report, 2021-2028. (n.d.).www.grandviewresearch.com.https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/vitamin-supplements-market-report
  2. ‌Yang, K. C. C. (2019). Reality-Creating Technologies as a Global Phenomenon. Cases on Immersive Virtual Reality Techniques. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/reality-creating-technologies-as-a-global-phenomenon/225119
  3. Global Smart Fitness Industry – Industry Reports. (n.d.). Www.industryresearch.biz.      Retrieved January 18, 2023, from https://www.industryresearch.biz/global-smart-fitness-industry-21748711
  4. Men’s Personal Care Market Size & Share Report, 2020-2027. (2020, December). www.grandviewresearch.com. https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/mens-personal-care-market
  5. ‌Fitness and health service online purchases in the United States 2022. (n.d.). Statista. https://www.statista.com/forecasts/997182/fitness-and-health-service-online-purchases-in-the-us
  6. Seaton CL, Bottorff JL, Caperchione CM, Johnson ST, Oliffe JL. The Association Between Men's Heath Behaviors and Interest in Workplace Health Promotion. Workplace Health Saf. 2020. Retrieved January 31, 2023.


Melissa Mitri, MS, RD

NatureMade Contributor

Melissa Mitri, RD is a seasoned dietitian and health writer. She specializes in helping women move away from restrictive habits that lead to vicious yo-yo weight cycles. Melissa enjoys writing about health, nutrition, and fitness with the goal of simplifying complex health topics for the reader. Find out more about Melissa at www.melissamitri.com

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