Colors that Make Up Your Diet: Red

May 27, 2022 Lifestyle Tips articles

Colors that Make Up Your Diet: Red

Pack more nutrition into your diet by eating a wide variety of colors in your diet.  We have talked about the benefit of adding green foods to your diet, now let’s talk about the benefit of the foods colored red.  Remember eating right isn’t just about looking good and staying slim, it’s about providing your body with the proper nutrients it needs for energy and life-long health.
We’re continuing our series on the benefits of eating a variety of colors and how to fill the nutrient gaps that may exist in your daily eating plan.

Many red fruits and vegetables remind me of summer.  The fresh red peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, pomegranates, cherries, raspberries and radishes that fill the farmer’s markets, not only are colorful, but are packed with nutrients essential for your good health.  The red vegetables are packed full of vitamins A, C, K and folate, as well as lycopene, lutein and other antioxidants.  Did you know that radishes actually contain 11 different minerals?  Red fruits are also a healthy add to your daily diet.  Strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, apples, and watermelon add an array of nutrients, including fiber, potassium, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and a small amount of many of the B-vitamins.

Make it a point this week to include red fruits and vegetables in your diet.  Slice some apples onto your salad, put a handful of raspberries on your cereal or yogurt, or chop some red peppers to add to your salad.  If you find yourself still not including red fruits and vegetables, you may be missing nutrients from your diet and choosing a quality supplement is important.  Consider talking to your personal licensed health care professional about adding a Vitamin CB-Complex and possibly a multivitamin to your daily routine.

Think color when you build your meals and commit yourself to eating well and making good nutrition a habit to keep throughout the year!  Good luck!