A good tomorrow starts tonight. Your morning self will thank you.
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Get set for a good tomorrow. Nature Made has some helpful tips for preparing for a good night’s rest.
Learn how adding a sleep supplement to your bedtime routine may help you have a good tomorrow.◆
You probably already know that getting good sleep is the first step to having a good day. But in fact, the benefits of sleep go...
You probably already know that getting good sleep is the first step to having a good day. But in fact, the benefits of sleep go beyond feeling well-rested and ready to take on the morning—consistent, good sleep quality, where your sleep is restful and restorative, can benefit both your mental and physical health, including your immune health. As for how much sleep you need, it can vary by age and lifestyle, but it is generally recommended that adults get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.†
Quality sleep isn’t just about sleep duration (the number of minutes you’re asleep), it’s also about your uninterrupted sleep over time. So, it’s vital to...
Quality sleep isn’t just about sleep duration (the number of minutes you’re asleep), it’s also about your uninterrupted sleep over time. So, it’s vital to set up your night for sleep success. You’ll want to consider your bedtime routine—all those activities that take place before you go to sleep. Some good bedtime practices include keeping to a regular sleep and wake schedule, turning off your digital devices two hours before bedtime, and limiting caffeine and intense exercise in the evenings so that you can feel relaxed and ready for bed. No matter what you do as part of your bedtime routine, consistency is key.
We get it. Sometimes your sleep can be off, either because of traveling or occasional stress resulting in poor sleep quality. In these times, a...
We get it. Sometimes your sleep can be off, either because of traveling or occasional stress resulting in poor sleep quality. In these times, a sleep aid with Melatonin might be just what you need. Melatonin is a natural hormone your body produces that helps to regulate your sleep and wake cycles. It's a drug-free way to reset your sleep cycle so you can fall asleep faster and get restful sleep. When choosing a Melatonin supplement, it’s best to start with a low dose and increase as needed (up to a max of 10 mg) until you find what works best for you.†
A good tomorrow starts tonight. Your morning self will thank you.
A restful night’s sleep helps set us up for the day ahead. Yet falling and staying asleep might not always be easy. If you find that during the day you feel exhausted, irritable, or are unable to concentrate, you could probably benefit from a few more hours of ZZZs. Occasional sleep issues can cause changes in your sleep and wake cycles, which should not be swept under the rug. If you are experiencing a change in sleep cycles, sleep supplements (including ones made with melatonin), can help regulate your wake and sleep cycles.†
Sometimes, your head hits the pillow, but sleep doesn’t follow. One reason may be stress. Your eyes might be shut, but your mind is still racing. If stress is occasionally keeping you up at night and interrupting your sleep pattern, you may want to consider a sleep supplement that contains L-theanine which can help relax the mind and Melatonin that supports sleep by helping you stay asleep longer. Our Melatonin sleep supplements can assist your sleep cycle and help you achieve restful sleep.†
If you sometimes have trouble falling asleep & staying asleep, experience jet lag, or feel restless at night, a sleep support dietary supplement before bed can make all the difference. We have a few options that can help you fall asleep faster and support a healthy sleep/wake cycle that are 100% drug-free, such as a Melatonin supplement!†
◆For occasional sleeplessness only